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Configuring Embedded Search in Solution Manager

This blog will give technical tips & tricks on embedded search. Embedded search can run on both HANA directly or on separate TREX server. It is assumed you know how to set up search in ESH_COCKPIT and know how the end user transaction ESH_SEARCH work.

Questions that will be answered in this blog are:

  • How do I set HANA default connection as embedded search location?
  • What to do after a system copy with embedded search?
  • How to reset the complete embedded search to initial state?
  • How to reset the embedded search buffer?
  • How to recreate the embedded search joins?
  • How to influence the package size of the search extraction?
  • How to check backend part of search?
  • How to deal with full text search issues?
  • How to deal with authority index issues?

Activating search in S4HANA

If you are running S4HANA, you can use an STC01 task list to fully setup the search function. Read this blog for full instructions. The remainder of the blog below can be used in case of issues.

Setting the search connection to use HANA default database connection

If you are running HANA database for ECC you can use the HANA default primary database connection for search setup. This is easier in maintenance: no extra TREX needed, no extra secondary DB connection. Search will consume extra memory and CPU off course on the HANA database.

To set this up run program ESH_ADM_SET_TREX_DESTINATION and select the Use HANA Primary DB connection option.

Task list to run after system copy

After you copy a system the search will not immediately work. In client 000 start transaction STC01 and run task list SAP_ESH_ADJUST_AFTER_COPY. See also OSS note 2479611 – Error message: "Current system is a copy of another system".

Resetting all settings to initial

When things gone really beyond repair, you can log on to client 000 and start transaction STC01 and run task list SAP_ESH_RESET.

Important: write down (or make screen shots) on the connectors and settings that were active before running this task list. It will really wipe out all connectors and settings.

More information can be found in OSS note 2626143 – How to execute SAP_ESH_RESET.

Resetting the buffer

Run program ESH_REFRESH_RUNTIME_BUFFER in the working client to reset the trex buffer.

Bug fix note: 2947055 – CDS activation: Runtime error in report ESH_REFRESH_RUNTIME_BUFFER.

Recreation of join indexes

Run program ESH_RECREATE_ALL_JOIN_INDICES in the working client to recreate the join indexes. See also OSS note 2112153 – How to recreate ESH join indexes which are corrupted in TREX.

Influencing package sizing per object

With program ESH_SET_INDEXING_PACKAGESIZE you can set the package size for indexing per object. You can lower the size for large objects to avoid memory issues while indexing. Also see OSS notes 2758222 – Runtime Error: SYSTEM_NO_SHM_MEMORY with Except. CX_SHM_OUT_OF_MEMORY when indexing connectors and 2540240 – High Memory and Indexing problems in TREX.

Check backend part of search

To check if a search issue is related to application coding or is related to search setup, you can run program ESH_TEST_SEARCH (with same transaction code ESH_TEST_SEARCH). This program gives you options to test the search independent of any programming of search front end.

Bug fix OSS note: 2972790 – ESH_TEST_SEARCH – value help for attribute search: Values are not transferred case-sensitively.

Full text search issues

If you are having issues with full text search, please check OSS note 2280372 – How to check Full Text search issues. This note is focusing on full text search issues in relation to solution manager CHARM, but the methods described can be used as well for analyzing other full text search issues.

Setting the extraction user ID

Use program ESH_EX_SET_EXTRACTION_USER or transaction ESH_EXTR_USER to set the user to be used for extraction. This includes the real time indexing. For more information see OSS note 2340298 – User Types and required authorizations for ESH extraction user. For issues see OSS note 2750997 – Error "Logon of user XYZ in client xyz failed when starting a step" in ESH indexing job logs. And 2938916 – ESH extraction user – option "Generate User" – adjustment of password policy.

Bug fix OSS note: 2938916 – ESH extraction user – option "Generate User" – adjustment of password policy.

Authorization indexing issues

While indexing you might get authorization indexing issues. First step is to repeat with sufficient rights attached to your user ID. Then run program ESH_ADM_RECALC_AUTHS to force the recalculation of the authorizations.

If it does not help, you can read the very extensive OSS note 2472239 – Error message "Authorization indexing unsuccessful" when creating search connectors. And OSS note 2729739 – Error indexing search connectors: "Authorization indexing unsuccessful for object type USER_AUTHORITY".

New option to partially skip the checks for indexing: .

Index preload

For some TREX  issues index preload can be a solution. More information on index preload can be found in OSS note

Python check script

For detailed check on TREX embedded search there is a special Python check script, which is not installed by default. The script can be downloaded as attachment from OSS note

TREX memory issues

If you are seeing high memory consumption in TREX, please check OSS note 2540240 – High Memory and Indexing problems in TREX.

TrexViaDbsl Analysis Tool in ABAP

In newer versions this tool is available. Otherwise apply OSS note

TrexViaDbsl Analysis Tool in ABAP

A more detailed explanation is given in OSS note 2800048 – FAQ: SAP HANA TREXviaDBSL.

Special use cases

SAP solution manager documentation

If you have search issues with SAP solution manager documentation, there is a special OSS note 2608454 – FAQ: How to handle issues with the (embedded) search functionality in the context of Solution Documentation . This OSS note also contains coding for special test program that will check all relevant settings for the solution documentation search function to work properly.

Configuring Embedded Search in Solution Manager
